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p 7 versiota tuotiin: Import of Wikitravel data
Rivi 1:
Kaikki ei kuulu Wikimatkatiin. Aika usein joudumme poistamaan Wikimatkatista artikkeleita; tämä käytäntö määrittelee miksi ja miten.
Joskus Wikimatkoista on syytä poistaa artikkeli, malline tai tiedosto.
==Syitä poistaa artikkeli==
Kuka tahansa pystyy poistamaan artikkelista sisältöä. Mutta koko artikkelin poistamiseen tarvitaan ylläpitäjän työkaluja.
Artikkelin '''sisällön''' voi kokonaan tai osittain poistaa kuka tahansa, mutta vain [[Wikimatkat:Ylläpitäjät|ylläpitäjä]] voi poistaa itse artikkelin nimen ja linkin. Näin pitäisi tehdä kun artikkeli...
== Poistosyitä ==
Mahdollisia syitä artikkelin poistamiseen ovat:
* Artikkeli käsittelee yksittäistä hotellia, ravintolaa, patsasta tms. pientä nähtävyyttä.
* Artikkeli on vandalismia: artikkelin nimi on epäasiallinen, aihe ei sovi Wikimatkoihin tai artikkeli on pelkkää sotkua.
* Samasta aiheesta on kaksi erillistä artikkelia. (Esim. Hollanti ja Alankomaat. Sellaisessa tapauksessa artikkelien sisältö pitäisi yhdistää ja tehdä epäsopivammasta nimestä ohjaus.)
*...ei ole [[Wikimatkat:Mitä Wikimatkat on ja ei ole|Wikimatkatin tavoitteiden]] mukainen, eli ei auta luomaan vapaata, kattavaa, ajantasaista ja luotettavaa maailmanlaajuista matkaopasta.
Mahdollisia syitä poistaa artikkelista sisältöä:
*...on '''liian hienojakoinen'''. Yleisesti ottaen ravintolat, hotellit, baarit ja yksittäiset nähtävyydet eivät saa omia artikkeleitaan; kts. [[Wikimatkat:Mikä on artikkeli?]].
* Sisältö rikkoo tekijänoikeuksia.
*...on '''vandalismia'''. Joskus vandaalit luovat uusia sivuja, jotka ovat nimiltään sopimattomia tai yksinkertaisesti pelkkää roskaa. Tarkista kuitenkin ensin, onko paikka todella olemassa: esim. [[Lima]] ja [[Nauru]] ovat todellisia paikkoja.
*...on '''duplikaatti''' olemassaolevasta artikkelista. Esim. [[Hollanti]] on sama maa kuin [[Alankomaat]]; tällöin sivujen sisältö pitäisi yhdistää [[Wikimatkat:Artikkelin nimeäminen|oikein nimetylle]] sivulle ja tehdä toisesta [[Wikimatkat:Miten luoda uudelleenohjaussivu|uudelleenohjaussivu]].
Article entries ''should not'' be deleted from the site when a legitimate article can be written for the subject. Some examples:
== Poistoäänestys ==
Jos huomaat Wikimatkoissa artikkelin, joka on syytä poistaa, seuraa allaolevia ohjeita:
# Varmista, että artikkelilla on oikeasti riittävän vahvat poistoperusteet. Epävarmassa tapauksessa voit keskustella asiasta artikkelin keskustelusivulla.
# Lisää artikkelin yläosaan malline <nowiki>{{Poistoäänestys}}</nowiki>.
# Lisää artikkelista linkki [[Wikimatkat:Poistettavat artikkelit|Poistettavat artikkelit]] -sivulle ja kerro, miksi haluat artikkelin poistettavaksi.
*'''Bad article titles'''. If the name of the article is wrong (for example, if there's a spelling error, or if it doesn't conform to our [[Wikimatkat:article naming conventions|article naming conventions]]), try to [[Wikimatkat:how to rename a page|rename]] the page instead of copying all its contents to a new page and then deleting it.
== Pikapoisto ==
*'''Copyright violations'''. Just because someone abuses copyright in creating an article doesn't mean the subject doesn't belong in Wikimatkat. Copyright violations should be handled by removing the offending material, allowing an article on the subject to be written from scratch.
Jos jokin sivu tulisi poistaa nopeasti ilman poistoäänestystä, lisää sivulle malline <nowiki>{{Pikapoisto|Kirjoitä tähän poiston syy.}}</nowiki>. Ylläpitäjä voi poistaa sivun.
*'''Really bad articles'''. Sometimes articles are a sloppy mess, or just a bunch of notes and ideas. These articles should be improved rather than deleted.
In these cases, rather than deleting the article, its text should initially be replaced by a [[Wikimatkat:stub articles|stub]] and later with a real article.
Pikapoistomallinetta voit käyttää myös silloin, kun haluat poistaa oman käyttäjäsivun tai alasivun.
===Reasons to delete redirection pages===
[[Category:Wikimatkojen ylläpito]]
Redirection pages that link to non-existent pages show up as [[Special:BrokenRedirects|Broken redirects]] and [[Special:Deadendpages|Dead-end pages]]. As a general rule redirection pages should '''not''' be deleted. Redirection pages provide alternative page titles for articles and allow search engines to locate articles by their alternative names. If you are deleting a page, be sure to check that any links to that page are also changed to point to the right place, especially if content has been moved. Unlinked redirect pages can, and should, also be changed if possible, though consider deleting it if:
*...the redirect is '''unlinked and redirects to a deleted article and changing the link does not make sense.''' For example: If the title of the redirection page is very similar to the article being deleted and there is no alternative logical link, then changing the redirect page would not make sense and it should be deleted.
===Deleting vs. redirecting===
Redirecting non-articles, when possible, is usually preferred to deletion because a) anyone can make a redirect and b) redirects may help with search engine optimization. The rule of thumb is, if it is a real place, redirect rather than delete. Major attractions and geographical areas can and should be redirected, but articles about restaurants, bars, hotels, and other such commercial establishments should be deleted rather than redirected, in order to curb [[Wikimatkat:Don't tout|touting]].
==Reasons to delete images==
Unlike articles, images and other media can't easily be edited within the Wiki. For this reason, it's more reasonable to delete them than articles.
Some reasons to delete images are:
*'''Copyright violations'''.
*'''Orphaned images''', that is, images that aren't used as part of articles. Images are for supporting articles, not to be left on their own. If no article uses or links to an image, it should be deleted.
*'''[[Wikimatkat:Privacy rights|Privacy rights]] violations'''. Photographers submitting pictures with people in them are responsible for getting model releases from the subjects of the photos. If they haven't, we need to delete the photo.
==Deletion procedure==
# First verify that the article or image really is a candidate for deletion. If you are unsure, bring up the issue on the [[Wikimatkat:using talk pages|talk page]].
# For the article or image being proposed for deletion, add a <nowiki>{{vfd}}</nowiki> tag so that people viewing the article will know that it is proposed for deletion. The <nowiki>{{vfd}}</nowiki> tag must be the very first thing in the article, '''right at the very top''', before everything else.
# Add a link to the article or image at the end of the [[VFD]] list, along with the reason why it is being listed for deletion. Sign your vote using four tildes ("<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>"). ''List one article or image per entry''.
# If you're nominating an image for deletion, make sure it's actually located on the English Wikimatkat... many images are located on [[:shared:Wikimatkat shared:Votes for deletion|Wikimatkat Shared]], in which case they should be nominated for deletion over there instead.
Other contributors can discuss whether the article or image should be deleted. '''Articles and images are presumed guilty until proven innocent.''' After '''fourteen (14) days''' of discussion, if a consensus is reached to retain an article, it won't be deleted. Otherwise it will be deleted by an administrator.
Pages in a user's namespace (User:Foobar/MyPage) can be deleted by any administrator immediately upon the user's own request, but such requests should still be posted to [[Wikimatkat:Votes for deletion]]. The standard procedure applies if somebody other than the owner requests deletion.
===Speedy deletion===
Administrators may also, at their discretion, delete obviously inappropriate articles and images:
* Articles that cannot possibly ever be [[Wikimatkat:What is an article?|destinations]] or [[travel topics]], as they are either much too limited in scope or entirely outside the scope of Wikimatkat. Examples include the names of people, companies, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools, and just plain gibberish.
* Images that are blatant [[:shared:Copyleft|copyright violations]] from commercial, governmental, and non-commercial sites that clearly attest copyright. Examples include copyrighted maps and commercial PR materials. The deleting admin must provide the source URL.
* Images that have been moved to the [[Shared:Main Page|shared]] repository may also be speedily deleted on request.
* Talk pages that contain only spam or gibberish.
If there is ''any doubt'' whether the criteria above apply, or any chance that an article or image ''could be considered useful'', they should go through the deletion voting procedure. If the content has potential but the name is hopeless, the content should be moved to the proper place before deletion. If the name is OK but the article content is a copyright violation, it should be blanked and replaced with a template, not deleted.
To contest a speedy deletion, raise the issue on [[Wikimatkat:Votes for undeletion]].
===Speedy keep===
In some cases an article or image may be nominated for deletion, and a [[Wikimatkat:Consensus|consensus]] to keep the content is then reached before fourteen days have passed. In this case leaving the article or image as a candidate for deletion is no longer necessary and the VFD may be ended early. When ending a VFD early:
* Remove the VFD tag from the article or image.
* Copy the VFD discussion onto the article or image talk page.
* Archive the VFD discussion from the [[Wikimatkat:Votes for deletion]] page.
'''Do not end a VFD early unless a clear consensus is reached'''. A consensus is not the same as a majority, nor do a small handful of comments in favor of keeping an article constitute a consensus. If you are unsure about whether a consensus has been reached, allow the VFD to continue.
==Undeletion procedure==
It may occur from time to time that we delete an article by mistake -- that is, that the article doesn't actually meet the standards for deleting articles listed above. In this case, a Wikimatkatler should link to the page on [[Wikimatkat:votes for undeletion]], with an explanation of why the deletion wasn't in accordance with the deletion policy. Articles and images are still considered guilty until proven innocent. After fourteen (14) days of discussion, if a consensus arises that the page was deleted unnecessarily, then an administrator should reinstate the page. Otherwise, the page will stay deleted.
[[en:Wikivoyage:Deletion policy]]
[[fr:Wikimatkat:Règles concernant la suppression des pages]]
[[it:Wikimatkat:Politica per la cancellazione]]
[[ko:Wikimatkat:삭제 정책]]
[[nl:Wikimatkat:Richtlijnen voor verwijderen]]
[[pt:Wikimatkat:Regras para a exclusão de páginas]]
[[wts:Deletion policy]]